I used to collect social media profiles like pins. There was a time when I was proud to display all those little icons on my personal website: links to my Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, etc. etc. But, like a lot of other folks, I've become pretty disheartened by my feeds being taken over by brands, and the general idea that all of these platforms are making money by collecting and selling my data to advertisers.
I know once a startup becomes a full-fledged *business* it'll inevitably lose the creative, personal ethos it started out with, and I guess I can't blame them. That said, since they're not very fun to use anymore, I've decided in 2025 to start 👏deleting 👏my 👏accounts.
But! Since I'm a bit of a sentimentalist/archivist, I feel the need to preserve my tweets/toots/threads/whatever before completely letting go. So, this is where they'll go.
Starting with Twitter/X.
I used two main resources for this: a helpful Wired article and this Twitter archive tool by Darius Kazemi of Tiny Subversions.